Some days just go sooooooooooooooooo fast.....I feel I am going in a fast boat and cannot get off....

What will happend if I pay attention, and try very hard to stop myself..I realize I really do not have to go so fast...there is a way to slow down. But the trick is in realizing what it is happening. If my son gets late to school (one day) will not be a major problem, though getting my adrenaline going will be.......

A blurry time could become a life time experince. Today, I had a great conversation with my 7 year old son, thanks to a speedy-disturbed person. But my mornind did not started as well as it sounds, or so I thought, it looked better after I was able to get myself back on track the situation change completetly.

Everything started as one of those fast moving morning..then....we starting talking about "the crazy people on the streets" is funny...but we started observing the morning maddness. I started to wake-up of the fast track when someone (the speedy-disturbed person) almost run us down with his car, because he was trying to get his coffee and obviously he was on the cell phone, driving....and trying to look for a parking space, and I guess late for work.......AH!!!!!!!!

When I saw that! ....I first wanted to .....I did not like the guy at that no no no.....but...I had a BIGGGGGGGGG breath in....breath out......and realized, that it will become a learning gave us a time to learn and talk to my kids.

Sometimes we transmit that to our kids, "move" "fast" "to the car" , and I have seen it, it could become crazy, if backback, lunch box, kids,keys, purse, lights, all the things we need to take with us in the morning are not ready. And I cannot believe the working moms and least I could come back to the house, and have no schedule...

Well the only thing I could say is, and it works for me, try your best to bring a happy, thought, and everything will start to look cleaner, and brighter. LOVE, LOVE my neighboor, to my kids, to the GUY in the car, to the angry lady on the register, to the people driving, to my kids. Awaking at that moment, and trying to transmit that moment to my kids in a better way.

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